Wednesday, March 5, 2008

For God's Glory

All I seem to hear lately are complaints about how Flamingo Road Church is not doing everything right. Things are too extreme and we're not glorifying God.

My rebuttal is this:
1. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it won't work for someone else.
2. If we do screw up, no one is perfect.
3. Humans make mistakes and yes, even church leaders are human as well.
4. God hates negativity just as much as you hate whatever we might do wrong.
5. God can use ALL things for His glory.

I've been at this church for 15 years. Even though I was young, I've been old enough to understand the changes that were taking place. Depending upon opinion, some good, some bad.

Depending upon opinion.

In my opinion, the church is doing plenty of good. Do I disagree with a few things?
Sure, every once in a while, but voicing them when I have no plan of action is simply negative and ultimately what tears a church apart.
As a whole, when I think of Flamingo Road, I think of a church with a vision who takes extreme measures to spread the Word of God. In that, things can go wrong, but as a whole, this church is my home. When the little things bother me, I pray that God will bring peace to my soul.
If you try that, and you still can't stand the way we're doing things, that's perfectly okay. Join a church you feel comfortable in, but don't bash something that God can and will use for His glory.

Don't let the devil use you in bringing down something God can use.

The pharisees of Jesus' time made impossible rules to keep in order to be "holy". At the time, it wasn't so very religiously popular to go against the grain of those rules. People were beaten and killed for disobeying them, but Jesus brought revolution. Rebellion, leadership,

Just because it isn't popular, doesn't mean it can't be used by God.

Just think about it.


chad said...

you're a scary girl leah. it sounds like you're ready to punch someone in their face. good post. i miss lima and you rock strong

@heredes said...

Great post ..

behind ya 100% !