Tuesday, January 22, 2008


So winter jam was pretty much, how the kids say, "off the hook!"
I don't know why I'm weird.
Anywho, I'm pretty much stoked for passion. It's going to be winter jam times a million. And that's like- a lot. lol

The only problem with me lately though, is that I'm very maliable and open to new ideas, etc. So since my religion teacher was teling us to look at everything intellectually, I did at winter jam.
I noticed how the guy speaking was pushy when asking for donations, I realized how easily influenced the crowd was, and then I noticed I wasn't enjoying myself as much as I should have been. Sitting next to me you'd never know this, because when skillet came on I acted like a maniac, but on the inside I really was thinking. lol
But on the other side of things, I noticed that I only paid ten bucks for a show that'd normally cost 60, and the donations were going to the next ten dollar show they MIGHT have down here if they raise enough.

There are a number of different sides to everything, and as humans, we obviously need to keep thinking intellectually so that we don't fall into random cults, or even follow the church mindlessly. We need to think about what we're doing, yes, but God also created (and I believe God created because everything is so intricately and perfectly put together on this earth that there's no way it was a random crash) anyway, God created our minds, yes, but He also created our hearts and souls. The parts of us that feel if we let them. The parts of us that take in a sunrise and feel the music booming to the beat of our soul.

Oh yes, think intellectually because there is an evil force in the world, but don't you dare stop believing what your heart knows to be true.


Stacie said...

True dat homes.

btw, great job leading last night. kudos!

Evan said...

Spot on!

I felt the same way when he was talking that night. I could tell that you were listening and analyzing what the guy was saying, and i was actually sitting next to you. lol

Rocked my face off, Skillet did. mmm